Roger Bruce

Roger Bruce
My Linear Park
Slowly walking and photographing on the Genesee Valley Greenway (and a few lanes and roadsides near my home) is my remedy for the fitful isolation of our COVID pandemic. Beginning in March and continuing through October, I photographed repeated visits to sections of the greenway that traverse Livingston county. The resulting images record a visitor’s progress along the trail as well as the trail’s progress through time. But for me, these photographs are not an investigation, a report, or an enumeration of natural phenomena. These are the Greenway’s gifts to me. And the reason I will return again and again.
Roger’s website:
This artwork is currently on view at GVCA (4 Murray Hill Drive, Mount Morris) until November 21st.
Visit us during business hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 11am-4pm
Thursday: 11am-7pm
Saturday: 11am-3pm